Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Fun with the Alphabet!

Train with animals and alphabet. - csp4421181

How well do you know your English Alphabet? Play the game and see!
(There are many possible answers.)
A a What begins with A? Can you think of a fruit that starts with A?
B b What begins with B? Can you think of a colour that starts with B?
C c What begins with C? Can you think of a piece of furniture that starts with C?
D d What begins with D? Can you think of an animal that starts with D?
E e What begins with E? Can you think of a body part that starts with E?
F fWhat begins with F? Can you think of a musical instrument that begins with F?
G gWhat begins with G? Can you think of an animal that starts with G?
H hWhat begins with H? Can you think of a body part that starts with H?
I i What begins with I? Can you think of a place that starts with I?
J j What begins with J? Can you think of a verb that starts with J?
K kWhat begins with K? Can you think of an animal that starts with K?
L l What begins with L? Can you think of a body part that starts with L?
M mWhat begins with M? Can you think of a big number that starts with M?
N nWhat begins with N? Can you think of a body part that starts with N?
O oWhat begins with O? Can you think of a fruit that starts with O?
P p What begins with P? Can you think of a job that starts with P?
Q qWhat begins with Q? Can you think a person who starts with Q?
R rWhat begins with R? Can you think of a flower that starts with R?
S sWhat begins with S? Can you think of something in the sky that starts with S?
T t What begins with T? Can you think of a piece of clothing that starts with T?
U u What begins with U? Can you think of a weather word that starts with U?
V vWhat begins with V? Can you think of a musical instrument that starts with V?

W w What begins with W? Can you think of an adjective that starts with W?
X xWhat begins with X. Can you think of any words that starts with X?
Y yWhat begins with Y? Can you think of a colour that starts with Y?
Z z What begins with Z? Can you think of a place that starts with Z?

Keep score:
Play again and this time write your words down and keep score! Try playing with a friend. Who gets more points?
Give yourself 1 point for every word that is not the first word in the example box.
Give yourself 2 points for every word that is not on the list at all! (Check a dictionary to make sure your words fit the definition and are spelled correctly.)
Make your own alphabet game:
Get out a pen and a piece of paper. Write the alphabet down one side of the paper. Write a new question beside each letter. For example: A, a What begins with A? Can you think of an animal that starts with A? (Give your game to your friends to try.)

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